Learn stuff, don’t eat processed foods and get exercise - gardening and foraging are good places to start for most people. Stay far away from negative, manipulative and lying people.
Learn stuff, don’t eat processed foods and get exercise - gardening and foraging are good places to start for most people. Stay far away from negative, manipulative and lying people.
Major General Smedley Darlington Butler, “The Man Who Saved America.”, hands down. He single-handedly defeated a fascist overthrow of the U.S. government in 1933. AKA, the Devil Dog. He is not in history books because fascist are still in control.
Seems that people have been persuaded to vote against their own self interests for too long. Maybe they should try to be informed about this issue, and vote.
Imagine the internet as you would dynamite. It is very powerful. You can use dynamite to clear land and build roads or kill others and take their stuff. The internet is simialar in different ways. It all depends on the bent of the users.
Many things and factors to consider. Rodents may chew the wires off, electronics may corrode, plus, everything others cited. All in all, I have stored a vehicle for almost two years without any precautions and drove it without any problems.
I would also fill it with rec gas - gas containing no ethanol. The add gas stabilizer.
Tired of 14 YO “experts” and trolls.