- Do what thou wilt
- This shall be the whole of the Law
- This space intentionally left blank
I think you’re right, it must have been the sequel!
Is this the one where I kept trying to go visit my mom (as part of my belligerent insistence on looking for stuff to do in the open world after every mission), but the game wouldn’t let me go into any building that wasn’t the next story mission, and then later the main character got chewed out by his mom for never visiting her? I did find that annoying.
I don’t want to look at my disgusting flesh-body and I’d rather nobody else saw it either. Rebuild me shiny and chrome, then we’ll talk about showing off.
I wonder if I can make a cheat that doesn’t do anything but turn myself into a frog…
All, top 6 hours.
Okay the image is messy but the snake coiling around the scales is actually a sick concept.
Perfect! :D
If I weren’t lazy I’d make a “I’m literally the guy in the photo” meme about this.
I usually am pleasant, though. I would feel much less human if I just demanded things!
I’m on board with this, but I may be biased because I also don’t like using Discord for anything else. Every time someone sends me a Discord invite I feel a little defeated, because it is usually after I have agreed to participate in something.
I did as a kid, but my tinnitus covers it up now.
It goes without saying, but don’t commit crime, and certainly learn from your mistakes if you do.
In the initial phase, the official fix (just purge your cache and redownload the filter lists to get the latest ones) didn’t work for me, but the second revision of a filter someone posted to Lemmy did. It had the side effect of making it impossible to scroll down on video pages, but it’s not like the comments on Youtube are super valuable most of the time anyway.
After a week or so I deleted that one to see how the official filters were doing, and it turned out they worked great and I haven’t had an issue since.
Mostly SMS, but I have one friend who uses Whatsapp. I have Signal installed but wasn’t able to convince anyone else to switch.
I would ask if I’m getting royalties from this episode, and if the answer was no I would walk out.
I always get this backwards ^^;;
I count 7 at least.
ditto, sawk, vulpix, feebas, onyx, ekans, metapod