My first theory was that it was just Naomi Watts’ character’s masturbation fantasy laid out on film. I still have to watch it a second time to confirm though 😬
My first theory was that it was just Naomi Watts’ character’s masturbation fantasy laid out on film. I still have to watch it a second time to confirm though 😬
CANDU reactors are pressurized heavy-water reactors not Fast-neutron reactors.
Since there are economic, ecological, conceptual and engineering problems, only five Fast-neutron reactors are operational at the moment. Three in Russia, one in India and one in China. Not surprisingly these are countries that also have an interest in producing weapons grade Plutonium, which FNRs are capable of.
And while nuclear energy production peaked 1996 at 17% and was nowhere near overtaking fossil energy production in it’s 70(!) year long existence, Renewables will overtake fossil fuel power production in 2025, with only minute risks for the biosphere.
So why cling to an outdated technology when there are viable solutions at hand, which are nowhere as complicated and dangerous as nuclear fission? It’s the monetary interest of a dying nuclear industry and its lobbyists.
Here’s some reading material: https://www.bmk.gv.at/en/topics/climate-environment/nuclear-coordination/fairy-tales.html
Foucault’s pendulum by Umberto Eco. Just thinking about it makes me want to read this masterpiece again.
Beschlagnahmte Geldwerte gehen an die entsprechende Landes- oder Bundeskasse und natürlich nicht an die Polizei, wir sind ja nicht in den USA.
deleted by creator
IMHO knowing one thing is enough: It’s Meta. That’s enough information to never use it. They’re interested in collecting and selling your data. Threads is not the product, the users are.
That’s why sports channels are much more expensive than everything else. It’s harder to pirate live sports events. FKN corpos made it impossible for my parents to watch Wimbledon.
This has never been proven to work. There is no scientific evidence to back up the claims. The inventor of Bionic Reading seems to have no background in Neuroscience whatsoever. There are articles trying to debunk the Bionic Reading claims, but those are not backed up by scientific peer-reviewed studies either.
Currently it feels like an opposite Golgafrincham situation. We got rid of the useless third by jumping ship. Let’s convince them we got swallowed by an enormous mutant Star-Goat 🤩 https://hitchhikers.fandom.com/wiki/Golgafrincham
It’s the year of the Linux desktop.