i hate Linux (users) as much as the next guy but my windows pc wouldnt stay asleep if i gave it an od of ambien
it wakes up randomly throughout the night fairly often
i hate Linux (users) as much as the next guy but my windows pc wouldnt stay asleep if i gave it an od of ambien
it wakes up randomly throughout the night fairly often
“linux is more capable but its just not capable of running anything”
yeah im more than capable to run a marathon. i have two legs. i am not able to run a marathon. having the means to run one doesnt put me in the same party as people that have ran a marathon.
aka linux users coping like usual
the not seeing folks online is super annoying
i also dislike change but thats a me thing probably
gimp sucks dick compared to photoshop and photoshop sucks dick compared to affinity photo.
source am graphic designer
this is a crazy take to make from my comment but i respect ur grind ig
but no, porn and jerking off is good for you abstaining has no benefits and never will. and i can confirm im much healthier and far more shredded than youll ever be.
turns out quantity over quality also ruins a platform
play quest based modpacks
lemmy still isnt nearly as good as reddit was by a long shot. niche communities suck, porn sucks, c/all content isnt bad but if you scroll once youll just repeat everything on refresh.
but god damn the reddit app is terrible now and the content sucks there now too it literally feels like its trying to be a tik tok clone.
you also broke the rules as a kid calm down.
and if you didn’t you’re a bitch so kind of a double edge sword for you.
i live very close to a target and dont have a car so its my main grocery store location.
ive honestly never been poor enough to justify the risk of stealing but i also have crippling anxiety and even the thought of it going wrong is too much.
shit id prolly turn around if the sensors started to beep id be like “yoo sorry i didnt know haha plz don’t hurt me” the irony is im not afraid of physical pain, more the financial pain. coz im a shredded rock climber/calisthenics guy. sadly violence just gets people into more actual trouble. otherwise my roommate would be very worse for wear though we gave him an apartment warning instead (of a beating).
i use the Evie launcher and i think its the best but i dont think it exists on playstore anymore, last time i tried it was a scam app copy
i have it from like 2 phones ago
does the door alarm not go off? ive always been paranoid to try just incase i somehow end up in jail over a candy bar or smth
i saved so much money having crazy anxiety and becoming super ripped from calisthenics i did in my room
but im also a rock climber and i save money there by working at a climbing gym
i have a porn account but the porn on this app sucks
i think this drug addiction is bad you should take this drug instead
wow thanks western medicine for your input
we need mental healthcare and actual resources for people to get help. and not a stigma on the victims of addiction.
i do calisthenics its super fun and can be done everywhere
ive also been a rock climber for 7 years before starting calistenics which helped a lot
putting out the fire of gender inequality with oil
its interesting how when people are a majority they dont see the irony in their actions.
well the basis of arguing on the internet is thinking of mean things to type on a keyboard
there is nothing more pussy than hiding behind a keyboard to talk shit. i talk shit online too tho.
wait til they learn and the non carbon dioxide pollutants that are 100x worse
get real that would never happen
god is known for doing genocide