If you have any question on truth worthiness, you can flash stock openwrt on them. You just lose out on their proprietary webUI and pre installed plugins. I believe their firmware is public on GitHub though.
If you have any question on truth worthiness, you can flash stock openwrt on them. You just lose out on their proprietary webUI and pre installed plugins. I believe their firmware is public on GitHub though.
That all sounds correct to me. The random port you’re seeing in the logs is a high port, often referred to as an ephemeral port, and it is common for source ports. All good there.
That sort of configuration after the fact would be a fantastic addition, if not already in place.
I haven’t done a code review so I can’t answer that question with facts. I do think however, that anything that bootstraps a FLOSS framework like openwrt could easily be a risk to privacy.
You use privacy and security interchangeably here. They are not the same.