Rules of thumb can be very useful for a relatively inexperienced programmer, and once you understand why they exist you can choose to ignore them when they would get in the way. Clean Code is totally unhinged though
Rules of thumb can be very useful for a relatively inexperienced programmer, and once you understand why they exist you can choose to ignore them when they would get in the way. Clean Code is totally unhinged though
if all 330 million 'mericans tried living in the woods, shit would go south really quickly
note that both rage comics and pepe became popular memes in 2008, and wojak in 2009
it’s set down diagonally so it fits
Harambe is dead. Harambe remains dead. And we have killed him.
If you look at the usa, less than 0.5% of children die between the ages of 6 and 18. The least likely age for you to die is 8-9 years old, and from about 12 and up the death chance increases pretty rapidly. A 30 year old is already about twice as likely to die as a 19 year old…
so for most people this won’t apply. If you survived abusive or negligent parents though, maybe it’s different
can’t get poor slowly if it happens quickly
another part is that youtube and reddit are the only places where SEO and chatgpt hasn’t (totally) destroyed the search results
can you call a government that allows itself to be turned into a caricature of itself efficient?
lacking multi-generational connections is still a pretty rosy picture of disadvantage. Statistically “unmeritorious” parents are far more likely to have their child suffer from malnutrition due to lack of money and neglect due to the parents working 2 jobs or having substance abuse issues. If the country has private schools, they won’t have access to them and due to living in a low-wealth area their public schools will have a disproportionately high amount of other neglected and abused kids which makes everything harder.