I am an electric meat robot.
The jump from mono to stereo made a lot of engineers’ heads spin. Then again, how many 100% perfect 5.1 albums have you heard?
Actually, I’ve listened to only three 5.1 remixes, all of them phenomenal albums to begin with, and their 5.1 jobs were pretty meh. Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots came out pretty good, but mainly because they just fucked around and tried stuff.
Miss you, Mitch.
My favorite is Botticelli. Easier to demonstrate than explain, but I get a kick out of it.
Learned about this one from Game Changer! They called it Same Brain.
A white-knuckle shootout in a sandblasted derelict office building set to “Glasgow Mega-Snake” by Mogwai was a simultaneously pleasant and harrowing surprise.
The original THX Deep Note was the bad kind of dissonant for my little brain growing up. Even the THUD parody version from the Tiny Toons “movie” gave me the creeps.
shuddering, tearful …why would you draw that?
Plim sounds like a real Irken name.
Metal Sear Golid
Yeah, I caught that right after posting, but I’ll leave it.
Hackney Diamonds too, I guess.
Seems the world’s falling down around me.
Note bending. Blue notes. Slide guitar. Whammy bar. Probably because I was raised on the blues, soul, and psychedelia
20009 by Drakkar Sauna