Lemmy and Mastodon
I have deleted my accounts on Reddit, Twittet and Facebook.
Familienvater, Tech- und PV-Fan (12,6 kWp/15,6 kWh), Elektromobilist, Gutmensch, ParentsForFuture, im Herzen grün
geboren um 333 ppm
Hinweis: AfD-Fans, Schwurbler, Putin-Fans, sonstige Leerdenker und Nappsülzen werden kommentarlos blockiert.
Lemmy and Mastodon
I have deleted my accounts on Reddit, Twittet and Facebook.
I would not use „Amerika“ if I would refer to the US. I usually mean the geographical combination of North and South America if I would use the term.
If I want to reference the US, I would use „die USA“, „die Vereinigten Staaten“ or in short just „die Staaten“.
Someone got cold feet, as it seems. I guess OpenSearch started to eat their lunch.
My guess: The reputation is already ruined and this change won’t make much of a difference.
Meh, that just killed my interest in the project. I was really looking forward to their first release. Now I don’t care anymore.
Bye, bye Firefox!
SAP still seems to do it this way.
I used to live in Regensburg, one of the northernmost Roman garrisons. So, the oldest remaining building (stone wall) is almost 2000 years old.
I’m 46. I had some really bad breakups in my life, was alone for a couple of years. Until I met my (now) wife just 4 years ago. This changed everything because it made me realize that what I thought to be love before was just a shadow of what love truly is.
Keep looking forward and do not torture yourself over what could have been or what went wrong. Nothing went wrong. It’s just life that happened. There will be some amazing person out there and you just haven’t stumbled upon this person yet.
It’s ok to grief a bit. That’s healthy. But look forward and do not hurt yourself in the process.
Fair enough!
The problem is: Once the CO2 is in the atmosphere, it’s there. It does damage. No money in the world will undo that, unless we build massive factories that extract CO2 from the atmosphere and make coal- or oil-like stuff that we put back in the earth. At the same moment your consumption blasts CO2 out in the atmosphere.
That does not exist. There is no system in place (except for some small but ludicrously expensive labs) that could do that.
Planting trees (or something similar) might help in a few decades, if the trees are still alive then and not being harvested. Until then the CO2 is in the atmosphere, doing its damage. Every day, every minute, every second.
Why? To ease your conscience by claiming that it is not as bad because you paid something extra? It’s the modern version of the selling of indulgences.
It’s worse than doing nothing because it gives the people the illusion that it’s not so bad - while in fact it is exactly as bad.
Lots of words to say:
All browsers have horrible resource management. Chrome is bad. Firefox is worse.
I do not understand why it is standard that a single browser tab can eat up the full resources of the underlying hardware. And worse: The browser programmers do not even realize that this is a problem.
macOS - because it just works and I like a clean, consistent ui.
I tried Windows, again and again - and it just feels like Microsoft is incapable of designing a ui that is consistent. Drives me crazy.
Linux, well. I like to run it on servers. I love it. But on the desktop it remains a pain. Yes, a lot has improved over the years. But there is still a long way to go before I would consider it user friendly. And the worst part: I do not see how a consistent ui would even be possible.
Almost the same way I used to use Twitter innthe early days:
Works really well for me and even though I only have half the amount of followers I had on Twitter, I have more high quality conversations and less trolls.