Weirdly accusatory thing to say as an answer to a post explicitly asking which actions they should take to back up their words.
Weirdly accusatory thing to say as an answer to a post explicitly asking which actions they should take to back up their words.
It does but other hand also blocks the oxygen. and when you zoom out of the meme and see OP you see that they have been dead for a long time.
I hope Santa left exactly what you wanted in the sokoban branch.
Him: “Which animals can I fuck?”
You: “This reminds me of canadian contract law. Also I can use this as an opportunity for language prescriptivism.”
When the cats start to glow or change colors.
Dang, we must have had so many Superbowls.
John Green had a quote about this that he was saying even before his brother had cancer.
“Don’t just do something, stand there.”
Either that or it goes into whatever birds or whatever other bioaccumulators that consume them and accumulate it at the top of the food chain (maybe eventually you and me).
The PEPPPERONI of tools!? that’s not a thing right? why pepperoni??
Shouldn’t that X axis really be “percentage” instead of “number” for this to make any sense at all?
That kid drawing of buzz light-year and under it in kid handwriting it says “I cum in pies”.
Actually it looks like I misread it before commenting.
“expensive monetarily but petty in actions”
Sounds like the meme rubrick had a word count requirement.
-VVVVVV --“several hundred case switch statement”
Oh yeah I was just on too small of a screen to notice, but you must be right.
And ironically, high school biology teachers wear open-toed.
My land lord wears flats.
What is “The Axiom of Tyler the Creator”?