where do you use asymmetrical keys for auth ?
where do you use asymmetrical keys for auth ?
@HughJanus completey glances over the solution for your precise problem and yet making strawman arguments of how tough linux is and calling others liars without providing any valid proof. End of our conversation. Stay classy.
@HughJanus whos ‘you people’ here? My point was that just as terminal for linux is scary, many people find even the control panel in windows scary and hard to use. Your personal experience may vary but many issues you point to isnt linux specific.
Assuming you refer to simleX chat, I just grabbed the appimage from their github release page, marked it executable and ran it without a hitch. Took me 5-10 clicks and nearly the same as for Windows. Don’t have fedora RN but assume its the same.
@blkpws for me i have to download binaries from website or their git repo. Ubuntu store either dont have them or is stuck in an ond version. Recently installed a snap on my colleagues pc which was released in 2018. Thats 5 years old.
@HughJanus windows is not user friendly. You are confusing familiarity with ease of use.
Most are familiar with it since its widely used as the first OS since school. Give it to a lifelong mac user and see how much they struggle. Even ones who are using windows for nearly a decade struggle as soon as they need to use anything more than office, chrome or the file explorer. They fear the control panel nearly as much as they would a terminal and i have to give detailed instruction on what to click
@JasSmith steam just demonstrated there wasnt much lacking on part of linux but the will of the publishers.
Ive no idea how you expect compatiblity b/w different OS. No such thing exist outside of trans-layers like wine or compile to those specifc platform. You cant run linux packages on windows. Need wsl(which is a linux kernel running virtualised) or a full VM to do so. You can run win on a vm inside linux if you so desire.
Who has to fix nvidia reluctance to properly publish their drivers?
@JasSmith linux devs cant force every developer out there to release a linux compatible version of their sw. If MS doesnt want to build a linux version of one of their s/w, the best that can be done is support their custom doc format.
Also your argument is very one sided if you want linux to seemlessly run every type of binary like exe, dmg of completely incompatible OS. Linux does provides a decent translation layer that attempts at it. How many of the other OS can do so?
@Steamymoomilk recently had to do a clean win 11 install. Spent a day trying to get the Intel RST driver loaded just to begin install. After trying various sources including the recovery media from manufacturer had to take it to a few repair centers(many claimed bad SSD even though I explained what driver was needed) to just install the OS it came with.
Same laptop have installed a half dozen linux distros with no such issue.
@deleted @leninmummy have you tried other distros with better proprietary driver support? Debian is known to stick with FOSS.
Also touchscreen is not a very common feature even in laptops let alone linux. The more your hardware deviates the higher the chances of breakage. Try live booting a bunch of distros and try if the same breaks everywhere.
@somedaysoon @Cypher MS powertools allows some of those stuff, though not nearly as well. AHK is every easy to setup and get into even compared to some of the linux equivalents.
It goes either ways and one needs to find the way to make it work on either system. Often she exact same approach might not work in both.
@SrEstegosaurio I use colemak from bigbagtrix that applies it via setxkbmap. Tried that on fedora sway spin, wouldnt work erroring cos it needed X11. Maybe should try out in other WMs like you said or try using kmonad.
@caustictrap @OsrsNeedsF2P you are entirely missing the point about linux