Other than messing with my scaling and two incompatible applets it just runs absolutely fine. Glad I waited for a week - was thinking about installing it from testing.
On a ubuntu based distro i recently had the issue that the offered version of inkscape was very old. Some website said to get a current version you should try a flatpack or snap or so. 3 senior hackers were unable to get them to work at all. I imagine OP has had similar problems.
I use arch btw.
Does it run with wine on Linux?
I use rofi (on my machine with dmenu theme) and after some digging I found this: https://github.com/Dartegnian/rofi-metro You may use this on any distro as there are very few dependencies to run this simple launcher :)
Bogen Linux mit i3wm, weil ich Schmerzen mag
I use it all the time and sync it between devices without problems…
I use KeepassDX on Android and it feels alright
I like to explore lemmy. Sort by “Top Last Hour” and with “All Communities” to find something you like. I am subscribed to about one hundred communities so far :3
Und dann noch 4x umentscheiden :D
Quirrel. Ist aus der neusten Ausgabe von “5 Minuten Harry Podcast” :)
I used it on i3wm without problems. Just install and use it
Ah, die Instanz, wo ich eben weder kommentieren noch hochvotieren konnte? Na so ein Zufall!
Hab bald 10-jähriges Therapiejubiläum, keine Sorge :3
Hm, weiß ja nicht. Ich wär lieber nicht verbittert. Das raubt Energie, die ich lieber für das Bauen kleiner utopischer Inseln in der Gesamtscheiße benutzen würde.
Foucault in einer Nussschale