I recently heard a man say, you should not focus on things that make you sad. There are certain things in life that are always gonna suck, there will always be certain things which you can’t change, there is no use worrying about them or hating them.

Unfortunately, I am in a system that handicaps human growth, you don’t/can’t grow up to your full potential when you live in systems like these. I can’t leave anytime soon, and the hyper-realization that had I been in a better system that fosters growth, I won’t be as miserable (emphasis on the as here) as I am here. I am hyperaware of certain things. Small things, they steal my mental peace, it can be someone honking incessantly on the streets or anything loud or unnecessary at any time of the day. Reddit shows me some weird stuff when I enter it and that distrubs my peace of mind! I have become very sensitive to these things.

I am sorrounded by all things negative in life, I have all the reason in the world to br resentful and ill-tempered, but resentment is a very dangerous thing, I don’t want to be resentful. If I can’t he happy here, I just want to be in peace! How can I do this? Venting about my situation helps but it’s temporary and it seems to be doing more damage than good.

P.S.: Please don’t start with how the American system is bad, it probably is, but there are worse things. I will literally be willing to lose a leg to get there. Also, might take sometime to reply, but I deeply appreciate your responses.

  • StaySquared@lemmy.ml
    6 months ago

    I strongly feel that it’s a mindset.

    YouTube search for, “how to become a positive person”. Spend sometime listening to some of the ideas, take notes that you can look over each morning or each evening before bed or both.

    I had this problem for a couple years where work was so stressful, I’d come home with that stress and any little annoyances like my daughter not listening to her mom for example would amplify my annoyance and obliterate my tolerance making me angry. One advice I took is before walking into my home, just take deep breath, and be grateful I’m walking into a home where my family resides, be in a positive mood so that the positivity continues to grow. So there’s those chitty days I have to deal with and before I walk into my home, I remind myself to drop the mood, start over and be positive.