maybe yes or maybe no
yeah, they would
ha, you beautifully illustrated their point.
i’m not saying you’re wrong, it’s just funny how on-the-nose you got it.
missing my pull request by a lot?
Spirited Away. Before it won the Oscar it was in limited release in the US. A friend drove me nearly three hours to the closest showing. After the Oscar it came to most theatres. I took other friends to see it on two separate occasions.
Termux from fdroid plus Andronix (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=studio.com.techriz.andronix)
what you did there is called the “slippery slope fallacy”
oh my god, thank you for this
I’ve been using Andronix, how does this compare?
That looks more like Barry Gibb than Bob Ross.
Ah, the ole Lemmy switcheroo.
Thanks for the gold, kind stranger.
enjoy my (fake) upvote