Schade. Danke für den link.
Witzig wäre natürlich, wenn ich meine bestehende IPv6 aus dem WLAN mitnehmen könnte.
Have you looked into how existing software handles captive portals. I believe, both Ubuntu (or Gnome or Network-Manager) and Firefox do check for such portals and detect real internet access. (They simple poll some URL and check for the expected return code. Portals usually redirect.)
Now I’m thinking, what if this check could trigger a change to the DNS configuration. That is use DoT when internet is available, otherwise fall back to DHCP announced DNS
That was also my question. A broader question is how to access services on the local network that are announced through local DNS? Like your router’s web interface or any similar device.
Can you have split routing? Most queries go to our preferred DNSoverTLS endpoint, but some go to DNS53 on the local network.
This would also solve the captive portal if the host used to detect captive portals is always resolved locally.
Die Forschenden schlagen vor, den Beschäftigten in diesen Konstellationen deutlich mehr von ihrem Lohn zu belassen als bisher, indem ihnen weniger Sozialleistungen gestrichen werden. Damit wäre sichergestellt, dass mehr Arbeit in jedem Fall mehr Geld bedeutet.
Eigentlich ein no-brainer. Lohn von Geringverdiener zu fast 100% anzurechnen ist Bullshit.
Warum betrachtet man das nicht wie eine Steuer? Da nimmt der Staat auch nie mehr als 50%ish.
Point for you, root is special.
The x permission on directories is exactly for this purpose. You can use the directory. You cannot read (requires rx), you cannot write (w), but you can ‘cd’ and operate on files in the directory.
This is important, you can lock someone out from a directory tree buy not giving them ‘x’ on the root. So, if your home is rwx------, no one but the owner can do anything in your home. This is effective even if some files and subdirectories have less restrictive permissions.
SSL is almost a old as Shakespeare now.
We ignore them, mostly. You cannot miss what you don’t know.
There are plenty of options however to access software not available natively. Both VMs and Remote Desktop solution work for a wide range applications. Web-based solution can be as good as desktop programs.
So many casual applications are now either web-based or on your (not FOSS) phone, so for my personal use the thought of using Windows has never crossed my mind. Professionally, I resort to remote Windows or a Mac.
Wichtige Unterscheidung. Aber ist es nicht so, dass ein aktuelles Windows praktisch (für den Anwender an den sich solche Artikel richten) “alles” in der Cloud speichern, ohne dass der Anwender das merkt.
Falls es sich einfach einzelnen Transaktionen zuordnen lässt, wäre doch ein erster Schritt vor dem Verbot, dass man den Verbrauchern die Zahlungen in den Abrechnungen transparent aufdröselt.
Also wenn du statt Tagesgeld Festgeld mit ähnlicher Laufzeit findest, bin ich bei dir
Wie meinst du das mit payback? Übertrag von payback-punkten zu miles&more? Andersherum? Oder gibt es eine Kombikarte?
Can someone explain what’s the point?
There’s some exam, online, runs in a browser. Ok.
Now we require a special browsers. Why?
Which only runs on Windows, but not in a VM, unless you make a small change. Why?
To stop cheating, I assume, but what kind of cheating needs a VM? Maybe I’m old, but we had handwritten cheat sheets on paper.
Are students using cheat software now that solves math problems for an online exam? And if they do, shouldn’t this score bonus points? Sounds like challenging problem to code an AI that she’s your exam.
Und wo steht in deinem setup der wireguard server?
BTW: Dein Setup hat Ähnlichkeit zu Tailscale. Kennst Du das?